- This event has passed.
Retki Rogaining 2014
9.8.2014 @ 09:00 - 10.8.2014 @ 14:00

All orienteerers, hikers, mountain runners, hill walkers, outdoor adventurers, firms, friends and families are cordially welcome to participate in the biggest Finnish 24h rogaining event 2014 in Hailuoto, Oulu, Finland.
Event schedule
15.2.2014 Registration starts
15.4.2014 Bulletin 1
15.7.2014 Bulletin 2
26.7.2014 End of registration
7.8.2014 Course setter team statement
8.8.2014 Competition centre opens at 18:00
Additional program on the evening
9.8.2014 Distribution of maps at 9:00
Start of 24h and 8h race at 12:00
Start of 7h MTB race at 12:30
Finish of 7h MTB race at 19:30
Finish of 8h race at 20:00
Prize giving ceremony of 7h and 8h races at 22:00
10.8.2014 Finish of 24h race at 12:00
Prize giving ceremony of 24h race at 14:00
The event follows the rules of International Rogaining Federation unless otherwise stated.
Competition classes
There are three competition classes in the Retki-Rogaining.
24-hour race is for those who really enjoy orienteering.
8-hour race is for those who want to test themselves.
MTB 7-hour race is for those who want to test themselves by mountain bike.
A team consists of 2 to 5 members.
Team classes
In the 24-hour race there are several team classes.
MO Men open
WO Women open
XO Mixes open
MJ Men Junior 15-18
WJ Women Junior 15-18
XJ Mixed Junior 15-18
MV Men Veteran 40+
WV Women Veteran 40+
XV Mixed Veteran 40+
MSV Men Superveteran 55+
WSV Women Superveteran 55+
XSW Mixed Superveteran 55+
The teams compete in every class for which they are eligible for example juniors, seniors and veterans compete in open category too.
In the 8-hour competition there is only one team class, OPEN.
In the MTB 7-hour competition there is only one team class, OPEN.
Age limit
All participants must be at least 15 years of age.
The registration is made over the internet at: Registration System. You will receive an invoice by e-mail after your registration is confirmed by the organisers. You can pay the entry fee on account Free Adventure ry IBAN: FI64 5741 3620 4342 22 with reference number 1122. Bank account BIC-code for foreign payments is OKOYFIHH.
Entry fees
The entry fee of a team is the sum of individual fees of the team members.
Class Paid by 1.4. Paid by 31.5. Paid by 26.7.
24h 65 € / person 75 € / person 85 € / person
8 h 45 € / person 55 € / person 65 € / person
7 h 45 € / person 55 € / person 65 € / person
All catering at the Hashhouse in the Event Centre during the race and warm meal after the race is included in the fee. The rent of the SportIdent-cards is also included in the fee.
Event Centre
Event centre is in Hailuoto School that is located in center of Hailuoto island, about 55 km from city of Oulu. The address of the Event Centre is Luovontie 61 90480 Hailuoto and the map link is: http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/kartanhaku/osoitehaku.html?x=392310&y=7211475&srs=EPSG:3067&text=Luovontie+61&scale=8000&action=link&mode=&lang=fi
Event Centre is on the island so ferry must be used at arrival and departure. Make sure you reserve enough time arriving Hailuoto especially if coming on the event morning. More information about the time tables of ferries and busses can be found at Hailuoto Tourism website and Finferries website and OuBus website.
Accommodation options can be found at Hailuoto Tourism website.
Event organisers also offer hard floor accommodation at Event Centre 10€/night. Floor accommodation reservations to Marko Vapa +358405388132 / marko@urheilumaailma.com
Cars will be parked near the Event Centre. Maximum distance 800 m.
Teams shall be given competition material number bibs, safety pins, SI-cards and other material after signing the discharge of liability. The material can be retrieved from the competition office. Teams are responsible for the material they receive and there is a fee of 80 € for a lost SI-card.
Obligatory equipment
Team must carry closed mobile phone and first aid kit with emergency/space blanket. Every team member must carry whistle. Helmet is also obligatory for MTB race. Some teams receive GPS-surveillance device that is also obligatory to carry. All obligatory equipment must be carried all the time.
For your own safety and for accurate navigation we suggest also plaster, sports tape, water container, some food, spare undershirt, windproof jacket, torch/head light and compass. You can leave other than obligatory equipment on the trail but only after the start of the race and you must have it with you when you finish your race.
Map size A3S with scale 1:50 000 with contour interval 5 m, topographical map. Control descriptions are printed on the map. Every team member gets his/her own map with plastic map cover. Maps are delivered on Saturday at 9:00.
Terrain of Hailuoto consists of easily run open forest to more difficult coastal and marsh areas. There is also some urban areas with farming fields on the centre of the island. The paths on the island are sandy so we suggest for MTB class wider tyres and lower air pressure on the wheels.
There are total of 66 controls/checkpoints that are marked with an orange-white flag and a reflector. There is also SI-unit for punching at each control. You can see the model control at start area. The visits at the checkpoints are recorded by using the SportIdent electronic punching system. All team members shall punch within 90 seconds. Teams may visit the controls in any order.
The controls are numbered from 21 to 90. The first digit indicates tens of points of the control e.g. control number 24 gives 20 points. All classes have the same controls so on the MTB class some of the controls have to be picked by foot.
There are few unmanned refreshment/water controls. Refreshment controls are shown in the control descriptions. When taking the water remember to close the tap after taking the water. Competitors are allowed to rest at refreshment controls.
The SI-timing system is used. Team must punch the controls they wish to gain points. Every team member has his/her own SI-card and it shall be mounted on the competitors wrist by seal. If the seal is broken when finishing the team will lose all the points.
SI-card must be cleared before the start and the team is responsible for the clearing when entering the start area. Note that if the card is not cleared it does not record any controls. In case of a lost SI-card it is possible to receive new one from the competition center but the controls on the lost card must be visited again to gain the points.
Start and finish
Start and finish are located at the Event Centre. Competitors shall finish latest on Saturday at 19.30 (MTB 7h) or at 20.00 (8h) or on Sunday at 12.00 (24h). For missing the time line the team will be penalized with 10 points for each starting minute. In MTB 7h and 8-hour event teams finishing more than 15 minutes late will be disqualified and stated as late arrivals. In 24-hour event team finishing more than 30 minutes late will be disqualified and stated as late arrival.
At the Hashhouse in the Event Centre during and after the race. Menu will be published later. The pre-event warm meal is also included in the fee.
Showers are at the Event Centre.
Three best teams in every class shall be awarded with prizes.
In the case of emergency
Each team has their first aid kit. At the competition centre there will be first aid. If your team faces an emergency during the competition you must open your mobile phone and notify the organizers immediately for further assistance if it is needed.
If in case the emergency is life threatening you must call 112, the common Finnish emergency number. If it is a less hazardous emergency please call to Event Director +358405564939. Register this number also already in advance on the mobile phone which you carry with you during the race. You may also call to Event Director if you come across other technical problems like vandalized checkpoint or emptied water post along the course.
Additional program
BEMER demonstration at the Event Centre on Friday 8.8. at 19.00. Blood purity research tests at the Event Centre before and after the race. More information contact Mikko Vapa +358407619696 mikko@dropper.fi.
Additional information
You can find more information on Hailuoto Retki-Rogaining facebook site.
You may contact the organising committee:
Event Director: Seppo Mäkinen, +358405564939, snowhow@kolumbus.fi
Course setter team: Seppo Mäkinen, Marko Vapa and Mikko Vapa
Registration and fees: Seppo Mäkinen, snowhow@kolumbus.fi
International contacts: Jari Kaaja, jari.kaaja at x-sprint.com
Internet, registration and timing: Miika Pietilä, miikapietila at miip biz